
Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Up-to-date Telegram Bot API library.

Key features:

  • strictly typed
  • fully asynchronous
  • supports full Telegram API (no webhooks yet)
  • code generation right from Telegram's Bot API page
  • configurable dependencies


Currently, all artifacts are published to bintray, so you will need to add corresponding resolver:

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("bots4s", "TelegramKit")

You should choose JSON and HTTP client dependencies suitable for your project from the list of supported libraries.

JSON artifacts:

"com.github.bots4s" %% "telegramkit-json4s" % "0.1"

HTTP client artifacts:

"com.github.bots4s" %% "telegramkit-akka" % "0.1"

Basic example

import akka.actor.ActorSystem

import com.github.bots4s.telegramkit.model.Update
import com.github.bots4s.telegramkit.marshalling.json4s._

object Bot extends App {
  implicit val system = ActorSystem()
  new TelegramBot("token") {
    override def receiveUpdate(update: Update): Unit = {
      log.error("received " + update)

See complete example here.


In order to start hacking, you will need to publish project's sbt-plugin locally:

cd sbt-plugin && sbt publishLocal && cd -

WIP note

Please, be aware, that this framework is actively developed, thus, source compatibility between releases is not guaranteed yet. Any feedback is very much appreciated.