
Using MySQL (Ephemeral) in OpenShift

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Demo: Creating an ephemeral instance of MySQL in OpenShift

This repository is to accompany a blog post at developers.redhat.com that instructs how to create an ephemeral MySQL instance in OpenShift 4.x. This repo can be used standalone, but it really sings when used with the blog post.

Like everything else we do at Red Hat, it's open source and open to pull requests.

Create an OpenShift instance named "mysql"

./openshift-install create cluster

Create a new project

oc new-project mysql-test

Create MySQL database

oc new-app mysql-ephemeral --name mysql

Populate database

NOTE that you must change the user and password values in the following script before running it.



Linux-based systems (including macOS)


Create the getCustomer service

Note: The variables 'MYSQL_USER' and 'MYSQL_PASSWORD' are determined by the values returned after you create the ephemeral MySQL application, above.

oc new-app https://github.com/redhat-developer-demos/mysql-openshift-ephemeral.git --context-dir=src/getCustomer --name getcustomer -e MYSQL_HOST=mysql -e MYSQL_DATABASE=sampledb -e MYSQL_USER=userP1F -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=eRwTuVSW1MhsIUHw

Create the getCustomerSummaryList service

Note: The variables 'MYSQL_USER' and 'MYSQL_PASSWORD' are determined by the values returned after you create the ephemeral MySQL application, above.

oc new-app https://github.com/redhat-developer-demos/mysql-openshift-ephemeral.git --context-dir=src/getCustomerSummaryList --name getcustomersummarylist -e MYSQL_HOST=mysql -e MYSQL_DATABASE=sampledb -e MYSQL_USER=userP1F -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=eRwTuVSW1MhsIUHw

Create the service "mvccustomer"

This will pull a Linux image from a registry. This is being done to demonstrate the versatility of the OpenShift application build feature.

oc new-app --name mvccustomer --docker-image=quay.io/donschenck/mvccustomer:latest -e GET_CUSTOMER_SUMMARY_LIST_URI="http://getcustomersummarylist:8080/customers" -e GET_CUSTOMER_URI="http://getcustomer:8080/customer"

Expose the mvccustomer web site

oc expose service mvccustomer --insecure-skip-tls-verify=false

Test it

Get the route, then open it in your browser:
oc get routes