
Documents, layouts and other useful resources

Bottles' Data

This repository works as a extra repository for Bottles data.


  • Release backgrounds
  • Concepts
  • Notifications

Publish notifications

Notifications are placed in notifications.yml file.


2021-11-14 :
  id : 2
  type : info
  title : "2021.11.14 Release is out!"
  body : Upgrade to get latest features and bugfixes.
  url : https://usebottles.com/blog/release-2021.11.14/
  date : 2021-11-14
  recurrent : true
  before : "2021.11.14-treviso"


  • id: unique identifier
  • type: info, special, warning
  • title: title of the notification
  • body: body of the notification
  • url: url of the notification
  • date: date of when the notification is published
  • recurrent: if the notification is recurrent (it will be displayed every first installation)
  • before: the version of Bottles before this notification is published (e.g. in the above example, the notification will be displayed only for version before 2021.11.14-treviso)

Every New release update should overwrite the previous one but change the id field to a new one, to avoid Bottles from hide it.