
[ PHP/Symfony 5 Services Workshop - Work base repository ]

Workshop instructions:


  1. Clone this project
  2. run yarn install && composer install
  3. in root foler, cp .env .env.local and configure your DATABASE_URL
  4. run php bin/console doctrine:database:create
  5. run php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
  6. run php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

This will populate your database with cities data.

Note: Cities Data are parsed from src/DataFixtures/worldcities_dataset.csv file.

Should you insert more cities in database, just update const LIMIT = 20 in src/DataFixtures/CityFixtures.php file.

Available URLs

Name Method Scheme Host Path
city_index GET ANY ANY /city/
city_new GET|POST ANY ANY /city/new
city_show GET ANY ANY /city/{id}
city_edit GET|POST ANY ANY /city/{id}/edit
city_delete DELETE ANY ANY /city/{id}
default ANY ANY ANY /