This is a full conversion of the popular Ender 3 Pro/V2 to a Voron Switchwire.
- 0
Ender SW
#57 opened by Computerchic - 1
Heated bed spacers
#37 opened by kozig - 5
BOM not found
#51 opened by msg94 - 1
Missing X_Carriage files
#56 opened by volt64bolt - 2
X carriage missing from repo
#55 opened by YoungHillionaire - 2
CAD files for stock Ender screen
#52 opened by YoungHillionaire - 0
- 3
- 5
#44 opened by Bersaker - 0
MGN Rail Alignment Tool
#50 opened by A-Rushton - 0
Errors in the Wiki docs
#49 opened by ccfman2004 - 1
Voron Switchwire cr10
#48 opened by StalkFPV - 0
X endstop removed from the CAD.
#47 opened by Ntrondle - 7
Not everything matches to my Ender 3 Pro
#46 opened by GrzesiuS - 1
Whole dfx plate for lasercutting
#45 opened by jackmiller1986 - 1
DXF bottom panel appear out of date
#42 opened by Ixian - 5
- 2
part y_motor_mount_bracket_enderV2
#43 opened by grungywamp - 0
skr bracket leaves no room for usb
#38 opened by traceoption - 0
Orange pi 3 LTS support
#36 opened by Dunsteer - 1
Can I upgrade my Ender 3 V2 Neo?
#35 opened by TheBest6337 - 1
Voxlab Aquila
#33 opened by smccloud - 0
#32 opened by bwork1 - 2
Is there a BOM for this conversion ?
#26 opened by Neiizo - 1
update printer.cfg
#14 opened by tol2cj - 1
4040_rail_tool stl missing
#17 opened by bob92553 - 1
Ender 3 Max and CR10 Y carriage adapter
#27 opened by Krisstank - 1
Quantity error
#30 opened by asmalloo2 - 1
Y motor mount wrong fastener length
#31 opened by JagJagula - 4
- 0
Which Parts to print
#29 opened by Janni279 - 0
CAD shows wrong screw length for the display case and for fastening the case to the front middle grill
#28 opened by erazor666 - 2
use this conversion on an ender 3
#23 opened by ronsmits - 2
- 2
BOM Difference: MGN12 Rails
#20 opened by ardichoke - 1
Ender SW Rev. 2
#21 opened by DoCJEaa - 5
Missing M5x10 SHCS screw from Wiki
#7 opened by renj1ete0 - 3
Z Probe options and Klicky Probe
#8 opened by harshitgoel96 - 6
XZ Blocks don't quite fit v-slots, don't sit square, leg underneath extrusion doesn't extend all the way across.
#10 opened by strayr - 1
Missing foot screws from CAD and BOM
#15 opened by ndanyluk - 1
mounting the enclosure
#18 opened by flow1990 - 1
Ender 3 V2 - X extrusion is wrong size ..
#19 opened by piotrb - 1
cover_4040_extrusion_cut_enderV2 is not wide enough ..
#16 opened by piotrb - 2
Ender 3 Compatibility
#12 opened by michaelmyc - 3
- 5
- 2
can this be made to support the mk52 bed
#11 opened by jaymoore962 - 1
Ender Voron
#9 opened by GdeGalleta - 1
Question upper idler.
#4 opened by RustedAperture - 1