
Angular 2.0 and Meteor - the perfect stack

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Angular2 + Meteor integration.

Table of Contents


If you are new to Angular2 and/or Meteor but want to learn them quickly, please check out our 23-steps Angular2-Meteor tutorial.

Questions and Issues

If you have rather a question than an issue, please consider the following resources at first:

The chances to get a quick response there is higher than posting a new issue here.

If you've decided that it's likely a real issue, please consider going through the following list at first:

  • Check quickly recently created/closed issues: chances are high that someone's already created a similar one or similar issue's been resolved;
  • If your issue looks nontrivial, we would approciate a small demo to reproduce it. You will also get a response much faster.

Quick Start

Install package:

To install Angular2-Meteor's NPMs:

    npm install angular2-meteor --save

Second step is to add angular2-compilers package — meteor add angular2-compilers. This package adds custom HTML processor, LESS, SASS and TypeScript compilers. Custom HTML processor and Style compilers make sure that static resources can be used in the way that Angular 2 requires, and TypeScript is a recommended JS-superset to develop with Angular 2.

Please note that you'll have to remove the standard Meteor HTML processor (and LESS package). The reason is that Meteor doesn't allow more than two processor for one extension:

   meteor remove blaze-html-templates

Angular 2 heavily relies on some polyfills (zone.js, reflect-metadata etc). There are two ways to add them:

  • Add import 'angular2-meteor-polyfills' at the top of every file that imports Angular 2;
  • Add barbatus:angular2-polyfills package. Since it's a package, it's loaded by Meteor before any user code.

Please, don't forget to add a main HTML file (can be index.html or with any other name) even if your app template consists of one single tag, e.g., <body><app></app></body>.

Using Angular 2 in a Meteor app:

The package contains METEOR_PROVIDERS providers that simplify development of a Meteor app with Angular 2.

You can use Mongo collections in the same way as you would do in a regular Meteor app with the Blaze, the only thing required is to import and use METEOR_PROVIDERS from angular2-meteor. After, you can iterate Mongo.Cursors with Angular 2.0's ngFor as follows:

    import {METEOR_PROVIDERS, MeteorReactive} from 'angular2-meteor';

    const Parties = new Mongo.Collection('parties');
      template: `
        <div *ngFor="let party of parties">
          <p>Name: {{party.name}}</p>
    class Socially extends MeteorReactive {
        constructor() {
          this.parties = Parties.find();

      imports: [BrowserModule],
      providers: METEOR_PROVIDERS,
      declarations: [Socially],
      bootstrap: [Socially]
    export class AppModule { }


MeteorReactive is a special utility class that does two things behind the scene for you:

  • releases Meteor and Mongo handlers on the destroy event;
  • runs Angular 2 zone on Meteor methods' callbacks with debouncing, i.e., reducing number of zone runs to minimun.

You can read more about MeteorReactive in the [tutorial section] (http://www.angular-meteor.com/tutorials/socially/angular2/privacy-and-publish-subscribe-functions)!

At this moment, you are almost set to create awesome apps backed by the power of Angular 2 and Meteor! We recommend to check out our awesome tutorial in order to create more complex apps that have security and routing.


Check out two demos for the quick how-to:

Static Resources

Angular 2 allows to define a component's template and styles in two ways: using template content directly or using template URL. We recommend to use template content directly.

For that purpose, angular2-compilers's HTML, LESS, and SASS compilers process associated files and add Node JS-modules that export string file contents outside. After, one can import a template content in ES6 style:

  import template from  './foo.html';

  import style from './foo.less';

For more information, please check out css-compiler and static-templates.

To get rid of the module './foo.html' not found warnigns, run

typings install github:meteor-typings/angular2-compilers#c2ca3d3036b08f04a22b98ed16ff17377499e1e7 --global


The package uses TypeScript for Meteor to compile (transpile) .ts-files.

TypeScript configuration file a.k.a. tsconfig.json is supported as well.

Please note that tsconfig.json is not required, but if you want to configure TypeScript in your IDE or add more options, place tsconfig.json in the root folder of your app. You can read about all available compiler options here.

Default TypeScript options for Meteor 1.3 are as follows:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "module": "commonjs",
    "target": "es5",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "sourceMap": true


To add declaration files of any global 3-party JavaScript library including Meteor itself (so called ambient typings), we recommend to use the typings utility, which is designed to search across and install typings from DefinitelyTyped and own typings registries.

For example, to install Meteor declaration file run:

npm install typings -g

typings install registry:env/meteor --global

For more information on Meteor typings, please read here.

Please note that you don't need to worry about Angular 2's typings and typings of the related NPMs! TypeScript finds and checkes them in NPMs automatically.


It's possibly to use Angular2 with Babel as a primary language.

To make development as convenient as it would be if you chose TypeScript, there exist special Babel plugins. So you'll need to install them:

  npm i babel-plugin-angular2-annotations babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy babel-plugin-transform-class-properties babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types --save-dev

Then add .babelrc as follows:

  "plugins": [

Change Log

Change log of the package is located here.


You can check out the package's roadmap and its status under this repository's issues.


If you know how to make integration of Angular 2 and Meteor better, you are very welcome!

Check out CONTRIBUTION.md for more info.