
Yet Another PHP Frameowrk

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a PHP framework made for educational purposes and it's not recommended to use in production.


  • Dependency Injection integrated with the services container
  • Router, can call Clousures, Controller methods or Resource controllers for easy REST API.
  • Query Builder, simple query builder for retrieving, updating and deleting data, supports multiple joins, and advanced where expressions.
  • Simple image manipulation class


use App\Application;
use App\Core\Router;

$app = new Application();

$app->run(function(Router $router) {

    $router->get('/app/{name}/{age:int}', function($name, $age) {

        return [
            'msg' => "Hello $name, you are $age years old!",



// GET http://localhost/app/John/21
    "msg": "Hello John, you are 21 years old!"