salt-minion-bootstrap is a fabric script use to deploy usefull requirements
for installing a salt minion.
Currently, it can do:
- install python 2.7
- copy salt master ssh key
Next, you can just do a salt states to install salt-minion via salt-ssh command.
# pip install -r requirements.txt
Before using fabric script, the remote ssh server have to authorize root login with password (PermitRootLogin yes in sshd_config).
Just remove this workaround with a salt states after bootstraping salt-minion.
All command accept these options:
- user: user used to connect to the remote server
- password: password of user used to connect to the remote server
To specify a host, use -H option of the fab command.
An example:
# fab -H localhost install_python:user=toto,password=tata
Install python interpreter.
Install salt master ssh key.