
The poor man's Continuous Integration solution

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The poor man's Continuous Integration solution. Runs the tasks you define and updates your Github Pull Request status. Relies on Gulp but can run any language/application as long as it's compatible with your bash.

Warning This is more a POC than anything else, don't run it in a production environment unless you really know what you're doing.


Download the source code and install npm dependencies

npm install


Edit tasks.json with your tasks

  "tasks": [
      "desc": "Update website with latest commits",
      "cmd": "cd /home/bouiboui/website && git pull"
      "desc": "Run PHPUnit tests",
      "cmd": "phpunit /home/bouiboui/website/tests"
      "desc": "Restart apache",
      "cmd": "service apache2 restart"

Run gulp task either globally or locally, with the appropriate environment variables:

# Run with local gulp
TOKEN=123 OWNER=repo_author REPO=repo_name ./node_modules/.bin/gulp task

# Run with global gulp
TOKEN=123 OWNER=repo_author REPO=repo_name gulp task

# You can also set the DEBUG environment variable to TRUE to display more information

Link the script to a Github Webhook if you want to run it at every commit, pull request or else.


