
A task runner that works well with poetry.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Poe the Poet

A task runner that works well with poetry.


✅ Straight foward declaration of project tasks in your pyproject.toml (kind of like npm scripts)

✅ Task are run in poetry's virtualenv by default

✅ Tasks can be shell commands or references to python functions (like tool.poetry.scripts)

✅ Short and sweet commands with extra arguments passed to the task poe [options] task [task_args]

✅ Tasks can reference environmental variables as if they were evaluated by a shell


Into your project (so it works inside poetry shell):

poetry add --dev poethepoet

And into your default python environment (so it works outside of poetry shell)

pip install poethepoet

Basic Usage

Define tasks in your pyproject.toml

See a real example

test       = "pytest --cov=poethepoet"                                # simple command based task
mksandwich = { script = "my_package.sandwich:build" }                 # python script based task
tunnel     = { shell = "ssh -N -L$PROD:8080 $PROD &" }  # shell script based task

Run tasks with the poe cli

poe test

Additional argument are passed to the task so

poe test -v tests/favorite_test.py

results in the following be run inside poetry's virtualenv

pytest --cov=poethepoet -v tests/favorite_test.py

You can also run it like so if you fancy

python -m poethepoet [options] task [task_args]

Or install it as a dev dependency with poetry and run it like

poetry add --dev poethepoet
poetry run poe [options] task [task_args]

Though it that case you might like to do alias poe='poetry run poe'.

Types of task

There are three types of task: simple commands (cmd), python scripts (script), and shell scripts (shell).

  • Command tasks contain a single command that will be executed without a shell. This covers most basic use cases for example:

    format = "black ."  # strings are interpreted as commands by default
    clean = """
    # Multiline commands including comments work too. Unescaped whitespace is ignored.
    rm -rf .coverage
    lint = { "cmd": "pylint poethepoet" }  # Inline tables with a cmd key work too
    greet = "echo Hello $USER"  # Environmental variables work, even though there's no shell!
  • Script tasks contain a reference to a python callable to import and execute, for example:

    fetch-assets = { "script" = "my_package.assets:fetch" }

    If extra arguments are passed to task, then they will be available to the called python function via sys.argv.

  • Shell tasks are similar to simple command tasks except that they are executed inside a new shell, and can consist of multiple seperate commands, command substitution, pipes, background processes, etc

    An example use case for this might be opening some ssh tunnels in the background with one task and closing them with another like so:

    pfwd = { "shell" = "ssh -N -L$STAGING:8080 $STAGING & ssh -N -L$STAGINGDB:5432 $STAGINGDB &" }
    pfwdstop = { "shell" = "kill $(pgrep -f "ssh -N -L .*:(8080|5432)")" }

Project-wide configuration options

Run poe from anywhere

By default poe will detect when you're inside a project with a pyproject.toml in the root. However if you want to run it from elsewhere that is supported too by using the --root option to specify an alternate location for the toml file.

By default poe will set the working directory to run tasks. If you want tasks to inherit the working directory from the environment that you disable this by setting the following in your pyproject.toml.

run_in_project_root = false

In all cases the path to project root (where the pyproject.toml resides) is be available as $POE_ROOT within the command line and process.

Change the default task type

By default tasks defined as strings are interpreted as shell commands, and script tasks require the more verbose table syntax to specify. For example:

my_cmd_task = "cmd args"
my_script_task = { "script" = "my_package.my_module:run" }

This behavoir can be reversed by setting the default_task_type option in your pyproject.toml like so:

default_task_type = "script"

my_cmd_task = { "cmd" = "cmd args" }
my_script_task = "my_package.my_module:run"


There's plenty to do, come say hi in the issues! 👋


☐ task composition/aliases

☐ support declaring specific arguments for a task

☐ support documenting tasks

☐ command line completion

☐ support running tasks outside of poetry's virtualenv (or in another?)

☐ maybe try work well without poetry too
