
my dev blog - published to https://dev.to/boulix3

Primary LanguageShell


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Example repository setup for synchronizing markdown files as dev.to articles, using assets hosted on GitHub.

Getting started

  1. Select Use this template on GitHub. This will create a new repository on your account from this template.

  2. Go to https://developers.forem.com/api/#section/Authentication/api_key and follow the Getting an API key instructions to generate your own dev.to API key.

  3. Select the Settings tab on your GitHub repository, then go to the Secrets section.

  4. Add a secret called DEVTO_TOKEN with the value of your dev.to API key.

Now your articles are ready to be published on dev.to! 🎉

Have a look a the example article in posts/example.md to see how it works, then you just have to commit and push your changes to have them reflected on dev.to.

How it works

This template is based on the publish-devto action, which uses under the hood the devto-cli to publish your articles.

You can find more information about how it works in the CLI readme.