Vim-cool disables search highlighting when you are done searching and re-enables it when you search again.
Vim-cool is cool.
Vim-cool is experimental.
Vim-cool is intended to be used with Vim, and only Vim, 7.4.2008 or later.
Follow your favorite plugin/runtimepath manager's instructions.
If you choose manual installation, just put plugin/cool.vim
where it belongs:
$HOME/.vim/plugin/cool.vim on Unix-like systems
$HOME\vimfiles\plugin\cool.vim on Windows
I wrote the first iteration of vim-cool in about twenty minutes, mostly to test a few ideas I had after a short discussion on hlsearch
and :nohlsearch
on #vim.
Because it relied almost exclusively on mappings, that first iteration was way too brittle to be of any use and actually messed with a bunch of my own mappings.
Then came @purpleP and the game-changing approach he put together with the help of @chrisbra, @justinmk, @jamessan, and @ZyX-I.
The current version, essentially a weaponized version of @purpleP's code, doesn't rely on remappings anymore and thus should be devoid of nasty side-effects.