
Primary LanguageSchemeMIT LicenseMIT



The name has many meanings. First of all, henlang is short for incomprehensible language. Next, hen stands for japanese 変 which means strange. Finally, hen is an animal also known as chicken, and Chicken Scheme is my favorite Scheme implementation.

Syntax and features


From % till end of line.

% henlang does not see this line


Henlang treats several special characters as operators. Unlike functions, they have higher precedence.

  • a←b assigns value of b to a. a is unevaled.
  • 'a does not eval a. Just like in Scheme.
  • a:b returns a cons pair of a and b. Just like (cons a b) in Scheme.
  • &f escapes function f so it does not get evaluated. Thus, it can be passed as a capital argument.
  • ¤ name [var:val ...] { scope } is just like let in Scheme. The name is optional; if name is passed, it can be used for recursion. If var is a list, return value of val is destructured: ¤ [[a, b]:[1, 2]] {} binds 1 to a and 2 to b. Last expression in scope is returned. If there are no expressions in scope, void is returned.
  • λ arg1, arg2... { body } is lambda. There can be no arguments or an empty body.



Special values

Expr Meaning
Empty list


Expr Meaning
a+ a as a number.
a- a negated.
a+(n...) Sum of a and ns.
a-(n...) Difference of a and ns.
a/(n...) a divided by ns.
a*(n...) a multiplied by ns.
a^(n...) a to power of ns.
a√ Square root of a.
a√(n) n root of a.


Expr Meaning
a=(b...) if a is equal to b..., otherwise.
a<(b...) if a is lower than b..., otherwise.
a>(b...) if a is greater than b..., otherwise.
a≤(b...) if a is lower than or equal to b..., otherwise.
a≥(b...) if a is greater than or equal to b..., otherwise.

If you suffix any of the functions above with !, they will return or the matching arguments instead.

% =! is kinda useless, but there may be some applications for it.
2=(3,1+(1)) % ⊤
2=!(3,1+(1)) % 2
2=(3) % ⊥
2=!(3) % ⊥

% Others are useful for sure.
3>(2,1) % ⊤
3>!(2,1) % 3
1>(2) % ⊥
1>!(2) % ⊥

Also, there are shortcuts for >(0) and <(0):

Expr|Meaning a+?|a>(0) a-?|a<(0)

Set operations

Expr Meaning
b_ Length of b.
e∈(b) b∋(e) ⊤ if e is in list b.
e∉(b) b∌(e) ⊤ if e is not in list b.
a∧(b) ⊤ if a and b.
a∨(b) ⊤ if a or b.
a∩(b) Intersection of a and b.
a∪(b) Union of a and b.
a∖(b) Difference of a and b.
b∀(p) ⊤ if all elements of b satisfy predicate p.
b∃(p) ⊤ if at least one element of b satisfies p.
bE!(p) Find all elements of b that satisfy p and return them.


Find all positive numbers in a list

% [1,2,3]



