
Qaraidel to Rust transpiler

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


Qaraidel to Rust transpiler.

What is Qaraidel?

Qaraidel is a tool that generates code from Markdown documents written in a special way. Its goal to make literate programming and documentation easier and more straight-forward using familiar markdown syntax.

From this:

## enum Weather
- Rainy
- Sunny

To this:

enum Weather {

The more complicated example can be found here:

What is qara2rust?

This is the first implementation of Qaraidel for Rust programming language written in Perl.

How do I use it?

Qara2rust reads source text from stdin and outputs text after processing to stdout. You can pipe the output to rustfmt, for example.

This would read file main.md and save it to main.rs:

cat main.md | qara2rust > main.rs

This would also format the resulting code nicely and detect any errors Rust compiler would:

cat main.md | qara2rust | rustfmt > main.rs

What language elements are supported?

  • Enums
  • Structs
  • Impl blocks
  • Modules
  • Functions

You can also write Rust code directly, of course.


Save file qara2rust.pl somewhere in your $PATH (in this example I save it as ~/bin/qara2rust, change as you wish):

git clone https://github.com/bouncepaw/qara2rust.git
cd qara2rust
mv qara2rust.pl ~/bin/qara2rust


If there is a bug or a feature you would like to see, open an issue or make a pull request.