Boundary Devices BSP

To get the BSP you need to have repo installed and use it as:

Install the repo utility:

$: mkdir ~/bin
$: curl > ~/bin/repo
$: chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Download the BSP source:

$: PATH=${PATH}:~/bin
$: mkdir boundary-bsp
$: cd boundary-bsp
$: repo init -u -b boundary-imx-5.4.47-2.2.0
$: repo sync

At the end of the commands you have every metadata you need to start work with.

To start a full build for Nitrogen8MP:

$: DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland-boundary MACHINE=nitrogen8mp source -b build
$: bitbake imx-image-full

You can use any directory to host your build.

The source code is checked out at boundary-bsp/sources.