
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Don't use this library. It's not maintained. Use this instead: https://github.com/bounoable/calendair

Vue Airbnb Calendar

Vue Airbnb Calendar


This calendar / datepicker is inspired by the Datepicker from Airbnb (react-dates) and the existing vue-airbnb-style-calendar. Unfortunately that project uses 1.x version of date-fns, so I couldn't use it in my projects.

This library is created with Vue's composition API. You need to install it to make the calendar work. Learn more about the composition API here.

import CompositionApi from '@vue/composition-api'



Package Manager

yarn add vue-airbnb-calendar // npm install vue-airbnb-calendar --save


<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@vue/composition-api/dist/vue-composition-api.umd.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/bounoable/vue-airbnb-calendar"></script>

Basic Usage

Package Manager

import { AirbnbCalendar, Options } from 'vue-airbnb-calendar'
import 'vue-airbnb-calendar/dist/style.css'

export default {
  components: { AirbnbCalendar },

  data() {
    const options: Options = {
      // Calendar options...

    return { options }
<AirbnbCalendar :options="options"/>

Calendar Options

This project is written in TypeScript, so you can and should discover the available options with your IDE.

Property Type Default Description
dateFnsLocale Object english The date-fns locale object
shortWeekdaysLength Integer 3 Number of characters to use for short weekday names
maxMonths Integer 2 Maximum number of visible months on the screen
startMonth Date now  A date which's month is the default leftmost visible calendar month
firstMonth Date - The left side limit of the calendar
lastMonth Date - The right side limit of the calendar
plugins Array [] Calendar plugins
watch Object - Watchers for internal properties


Without any plugins you basically just got an infinite scrolling calendar. Currently the only available plugin is the Selection Plugin.

Selection Plugin

The Selection Plugin provides a range datepicker with customizable color schemes and options to control the calendar items/days.

Supported features:

  • Range datepicker
  • Custom color scheme
  • Disabling of dates (min/max date, date ranges, custom function)
  • Highlight dates (custom function)


yarn add vue-airbnb-calendar-plugin-selection // npm install vue-airbnb-calendar-plugin-selection --save
import { Options } from 'vue-airbnb-calendar'
import SelectionPlugin from 'vue-airbnb-calendar-plugin-selection'
import 'vue-airbnb-calendar-plugin-selection/dist/style.css'

export default {
  data() {
    const options: Options = {
      plugins: [
          // Plugin options ...

    return { options }

  <AirbnbCalendar :options="options"/>

Plugin Options

Like the core, this plugin is written in TypeScript, so you can and should discover the options with your IDE.


Specify CSS color strings for the different states.

interface CalendarItemColors {
  background?: string
  border?: string
  text?: string
Property Type Description
colors Object Define the colors for the calendar item / day states
colors.withinSelection CalendarItemColors Day is within selection range / hovered
colors.selectable CalendarItemColors Day is selectable
colors.selected CalendarItemColors Day is selected
colors.highlighted CalendarItemColors Day is highlighted

Other options

Property Type Description
dateFormat String The date format for the returned dates. If not provided Date objects are returned.
minDate Date The minimum Date that can be selected.
maxDate Date The maximum Date that can be selected.
selectableRanges Array Date ranges that are selectable. If not provided all days are selectable.
selectableWeekdays Array Weekdays that are selectable. If not provided all days are selectable.
reservations Object Reservation options for a booking calendar.
selectable Function Function to determine if a day is selectable.
highlight Function Function to determine if a day is highlighted.
onSelect Function Function that is called when the selection changes.


This calendar was created out of a personal need, therefore new features / plugins will likely also emerge from my personal needs. Feel free to create pull requests, but keep in mind that the core of the calendar should stay small and simple. Rather than adding advanced features directly to the core, try to extend the calendar's API (if you need to) and then create the plugin for the feature.

If you can't contribute to the code by yourself, create an issue and hope for the best 😬