CMPE 352-451 - Group 5

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This is the repository of group 5 in course CMPE352 Fundamentals of Software Engineering.
For more information, Visit the home page

Project Description

In this course, we will create a Language Learning Platform in accordance with our customer's desires. This platform enables users to practise in any avaible language in terms of reading, listening, vocabulary and writing on a single platform. Further details can be found in Project Description

Group Members:

  1. Ali Meriç Deşer
  2. Yusuf Mert Bila
  3. Furkan Kadıoğlu
  4. Meltem Suiçmez
  5. Mahmut Uzunpostalcı
  6. Hasan Öztürk
  7. Abdullah Enes Öncü
  8. Selamettin Dirik
  9. Nevzat Ersoy
  10. Kartal Kaan Bozdoğan
Old Members:
  1. Veli Can Ünal
  2. Abdullah Yıldız