Marlin renderer wrapped as a Graphics2D implementation:
Marlin-renderer is an open source (GPL2+CP) Java2D RenderingEngine optimized for performance and scalability.
Marlin-Graphics provides an alternate Graphics2D implementation to redirect draw / fill shape operations to the Marlin-renderer instead of Ductus/Pisces renderers (Oracle JDK / OpenJDK): FAST and easy to use !
Marlin-Graphics does not require any bootclasspath change: Just add marlin-graphics and marlin-renderer jar files into your classpath to use it in your application !
// Use Premultiplied RGBA images (TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE) for performance (15% faster than standard RGBA images (TYPE_INT_ARGB): final BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE); // Create the MarlinGraphics2D wrapping your image's Graphics2D implementation: final MarlinGraphics2D g2d = new MarlinGraphics2D(image); // Use g2d to perform java2d operations (draw, fill) as usual //g2d.setColor(...); //g2d.setComposite(...); //g2d.draw(shape); //g2d.fill(shape); // Do not forget to dispose the graphics2D instance: g2d.dispose();
As marlin is a fork from OpenJDK 8 pisces, its license is the OpenJDK's license = GPL2+CP:
GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception
The GNU General Public License (GPL)
Version 2, June 1991
Users and developers interested in the Marlin-renderer are kindly invited to join the marlin-renderer Google Group.