
A training repository to try forking and PRs if there's extra time.

This is a demonstrative repository to test forking and PRs.

I hope you don't find yourself too disappointed by it's lack of features.

To participate in the fun :

  1. Fork this repository with the button at the top right.

  2. Clone your fork with :

git clone https://github.com/your-username/swc-training-test.git

  1. Add the original as your upstream to pull any new changes with :

git remote add upstream https://github.com/julesfowler/swc-training-test.git

  1. Create a new branch with :

git checkout -b my-first-pr

  1. Make sure you have the up-to-date version with :

git pull upstream master

  1. Make your change, add it, commit it, and push your branch :

git add changed_file.txt

git commit -m "Ch-ch-changes."

git push origin my-first-pr

  1. Open a pull request to this repository.