Nemo plugins & scripts

Purpose: add context menus to the Nemo file browser (Mint file browser).

I did it for myself, this repo exists just to share with those who might be interested. Linux Users, Arch / Manjaro with Cinnamon (Though I use Nemo on XFCE)

###Quick doc:

  • archive: it creates a tar of the selected files
  • bcompare: add Beyond Compare to the context menu of the Nemo file browser, comparing the selected files. I wrote it because the native plugin (binay) sometimes disappear ie after package updates - each time it is annoying
  • catfish search in the selected folder
  • extract to subfolder: extract an archive to a subfolder created with the name of the archive without the extension
  • image to pdf: from a PNG/JPG image, creates a PDF file (asking for its name)
  • mate disk usage analyzer: disk usage of the selected folder
  • mate search tool: search in the selected folder