
CMS based on Symfony2 and AngularJS

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

AAAbout Travis-CI

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Latest Unstable Version License
Aisel is open-source CMS for highload projects based on Symfony2 and AngularJS

Project website: http://aisel.co/
Demo frontend: http://ecommerce.aisel.co/en/ [frontenduser/frontenduser]
Demo administration: http://ecommerce.aisel.co/administration/en/ [backenduser/backenduser]

Installation: development branch

  1. Download latest from master:
    git clone https://github.com/ivanproskuryakov/Aisel.git then cd to aisel/ and download composer
    curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  2. Install Aisel environment php app/console aisel:install
  3. Install frontend dependencies with Bower
    bower install

Once this steps done you will be able to access the backend:


  1. Bower is a command line utility install with nodejs
    npm install -g bower
    2.For full javascript minification on frontend use grunt task
    grunt requirejs

Installation: v0.1.0

  1. Download composer
    curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  2. Create project, installer will ask you dbname, username, password, etc..
    php composer.phar create-project -s dev aisel/aisel cd aisel/ and finish installation with commands bellow:
  3. Launch installation:
    php app/console aisel:install
  4. Install frontend dependencies with Bower
    bower install


bin/phpspec run
protractor protractor/conf.js


Backend: http://aisel.co/documentation/backend/
Frontend: http://aisel.co/documentation/frontend/


Check with http://tools.pingdom.com/

Mobile ready check on Responsinator


Bug tracking

Project uses GitHub issues. If you have found bug, please create an issue.

MIT License

License can be found here.


Part of Aisel package, was originally created by Ivan Proskuryakov https://twitter.com/iproskuryakov
List of contributors.

BTC Donations

To support ongoing development you may send BitCoin to 1DmBssUeNGXC8VC3BFm3VB3Qc9wmSB7DrK


If you're need consulting, contact with me by e-mail service@magazento.com