Bouvet Email Signature

Clone or copy the code. The signature inline logo.html file seems to work nicely on most email clients, but not on Outlook. For that you can use the signature.html file; it simply links to the logo file that is at

Make sure that you edit all the {TOKENS-IN-BRACKETS} with the appropriate values. Don't forget the ones that are HTML in attributes, e.g. URLs.

You'll also want to amend the address and phone number to your own office. You might need to reformat the number so it's in the "best-to-memorise" format (see issue #2). Keep the non-breaking-space characters ( ) between words, which prevent email clients from screwing up the layout.

For the {GOOGLE-MAPS-MARKER-COORDINATES} token, do this:

  1. On Google Maps, search for your own coordinates, e.g. 54°26′55″S 3°20′20″E
  2. You'll get a result that will include, as part of the URL, a string like this: …/@-54.448608,3.3366949,17z/…
  3. Take just the two numbers from the string above (e.g. -54.448608,3.3366949)
  4. Replace the token with those numbers.

(Yes, there's a way to convert minutes and seconds to decimal degrees, but it doesn't seem to agree 100% with what Google Maps does. Maybe some corrections done for the purpose of geodetics?)

Email client setup

OS X Apple Mail

Microsoft Outlook

Mozilla Thunderbird

Pull requests welcome!