Chalmers tentastatistik

Chalmers publish the statistics for exams in an humongous excel document, hidden in the dark depths of the studentportalen. So I thought there should be an webapp to see the statistics… and now it is. Feel free to contribute!



NodeJS can be found here


Instructions for downloading and running mongoDB can be found here Basicly download mongoDB and from a terminal run mongod, this will start a mongo daemon at port: 27017. To connect to your database run mongo and write use chs-exam-statistics


Start mongod, From a terminal run:

  • npm install
  • npm run build
  • npm run start This will host a server at: http://localhost:3000/

Custom Environment

When running a local version there is no need to set any environment variables.

Variable Description Default
PORT Port that the webserver is hosted on 3000
MONGO_URI URI to your mongodb mongodb://localhost:27017/chs-exam-statistics
STATISTICS_URL URL to where statistic document is hosted
FILENAME Name that will be given to local copy of excel file statistik.xlsx

To set a variable, Instead of running npm run start run command below with variables of your choice.

PORT=1337 node server.js


Show newly added exam results

Create a view to show exam newly added exams.


Add view with updates of the site.

Upgrade Frontend Framework

AngularJS is old... Update to React or whatever framework the kids likes today.


Copyright 2015, Johan Bowald