
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Yago Android Mobile App

This application is developed on Phonegap/Cordova. HTML5 Framework Used Onsen UI http://onsen.io/guide/getting_started.html #Phonegap Installation ###1.Download and Install Java. -Download and install the recent release of the Java SDK. -Open the console and run java.It should run without problems. -Open the environment variables. -Add the Java SDK installatio path to the PATH variable.e.g c:/><your_java_installtion_path>/bin. ###2.Download Apache ANT -Needed by Android and Cordova to build projets. -Downoad and install Apache ANT from http://mirror.tcpdiag.net/apache//ant/binaries/apache-ant-1.9.4-bin.zip. -Add Path to the /bin folder to the end of the PATH variable. ###3.Download Android SDK. -Download and install the latest Android SDK from [http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#Other]. -Open environment variables and add both the full path of adt-bundle/sdk/platform-tools/ and adt-bundle/sdk/tools/ to the end of path variable. -Open the console and run android.It should provide a list of targets to install. -Open the SDK manager and install version 19-22. ###4.Download and Install Node Js. -Download and install the latest version of nodejs. -Add the full path to the /bin folder to PATH variable.e.g C:\Program Files\nodejs\bin -Test by running node on the console. ###5.Install Cordova. -Open the console window and run c:/> npm install -g cordova ###6.Install Phonegap -On the same window, run c:>npm install -g phonegap #Usage ###1.Creating working project -Open the console window and run c:/>phonegap create my-application. Nb:Creates the application project on the selected location with the requisite project folders. -To navigate to the app run c:/>cd my-application ###2.Installing project plugins -Open the console and run c:/>cordova plugin add <plugin_directory> e.g org.apache.cordova.device -To find all plugins,visit the cordova pugin registry http://plugins.cordova.io/#/
###3.Build the application -Open the console and run c:/>cordova build android ###4.Running the Project -Run on the emulator c:/>cordova emulate android. -Run on device c:/> cordova run android. ###5.Further information -See documentation http://docs.phonegap.com/en/4.0.0/index.html