
Marathon is a factorio mod designed to increase the length and difficulty.

Primary LanguageLuaISC LicenseISC

Repository for the factorio Marathomation mod.


Do you find factorio too quick to complete and would like a challenge that requires you to scale a bigger factory, spend more effort on research, plan investments more carefully and require the use the train feeding bases? Do you like the feel of the base game as-is? This is the mod for you!

This mod is designed to increase the length and difficulty of the game without changing the recipes. It makes the following major changes:

  • Power generation is more costly and fuel yield are halved.
  • Science costs drastically increased.
  • Most costs are increased, particularly electronics circuits.
  • Electronics circuits changes cause the cost of automation (assembly machines, non burner inserter, electric drills) to be very costly. The player has to weigh investments early on.
  • Biter evolution is unchanged. Since the game is significantly slowed down this means that you'll like need to use gun turrent against spitter and you'll face biter evolution with less research completed making biters harder.
  • Copper outputs significantly more plates per ore (5 to 1 right now) and copper costs are significantly increased. This will cause significant copper bandwidth issues.
  • Various build times are increased.

Expect the following:

  • The game to take roughly 10 times as long.
  • Burner stage (turrets) can't be skipped.
  • Getting your first research (lab, power) will take over an hour.
  • Higher tier research are very costly.
  • Be forced to use trains.


You must select the 'marathon' settings (recipe and technology difficulty set to 'expensive') in order for changes to take effect.

Mod compatibility

This mod has been tested with Bob and Angel's mods, and works intended. Other then that this mod's compatibility hasn't been tested, if it works the balance will likely be completely off thus it's not suggested.


Contributions are welcomed. The aim of this mod is to not change recipes at the moment so I'd suggest forking this repo if you'd like to explore that.

To do

Things in progress on this fork:

  • FIX FIX FIX angels only-smelting patch (adjust early steel)
  • Handle angel coil making and coil consuming recipes.
    • coils/sheet making requires 3000x water/second (was 1/s) or 10x coolant (was 2/s or 10 per sheet)
    • Coil recipe yield (compared to ordinary casting yield) down from 100% to ~75%
  • Water well and nonangels flare stack recipe cost increases
  • Modify bob enriched fuel recipe to consume solid fuel, naptha, oxide, and powder (thermite)
  • handle AAI-industry compatibility??
  • Clean up lua code (wip), handle errors better, pass in params dict instead of lots of args
  • Modify explosives recipe to also require potassium nitrate (maybe just substitute fertiliser for now?) in addition to coal, sulfur, water
    • potassium nitrate made from ammonium nitrate (in-game already i think) and potassium chloride. makes ammonium chloride and potassium nitrate
    • also possibly from ammonium nitrate + potassium hydroxide to ammonia + potassium nitrate (+ water)
    • potassium chloride made from potassium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid
    • potassium hydroxide i.e. potash made from leaching ash (so ash + water + evaporation; quite slow); also produces sodium hydroxide as byproduct
  • build a tool to view recipe_name and item_name in-game (bob does automate locale string somehow - grep for "Something's missing")
  • help out PCP: change his recipes to liquid plastic/glass/resin, remove overlap recipes
  • Add settings flag for not-really-marathon content (e.g. technology changes, pipe stack size change, fuel changes, etc.) and make sure it happens in the correct phase (data-updates)
  • disable uranium ore deposits when angels refining exists
  • Add settings flag to provide some materials on startup (otherwise way too tedious)
  • nerf wood -> coal -> fracking recipes. disable vanilla coal fracking if petrochem coal fracking enabled. also disable/modify bio fuel cracking
  • Apply GCF factoring to some alloy recipes (eg brass plate should be dialed down 5x) and in general for all recipes after exploding (?)
  • make molten metals unable to be barreled, or nerf somewhat (require special plastic/tungsten barrels?)
  • Apply 0.5x yield to all products of products of gas: ethane, methane, butane (to match oil's plastic sulfur and solid-fuel), and possibly some other key products-of-products
  • Un-increase heat exchanger & heat turbine recipes so much
  • Handle all burner buildings the same way
  • Autaomtically deduce smelting categories
  • Automatically deduce circuit board names in bobs
  • Automatically deduce seedling recipe names
  • Fix disassembly recipes (burner drill, steel furnace)
  • Fix rail tanker and petrochem rail tanker recipes not consistent
  • Fix AAI vehicles too expensive/not consistent


  • SpaceMod working with Bob's endgame again. Hopefully by adding tiers to the space science techs? CMHMod as stopgap for now.
  • tree map_color to (0, 0.9, 0, 0.5) + game.forces.player.rechart() on_config_changed
  • Burner assembling machine 0
  • fixed biofuel, bioplastic, coal liquefication recipes
  • steel mixing & chemical furnaces
  • PCP update to liquid glass/plastic
  • all ore glows...?
  • AAI industry support in marathomaton