
convert the bdd100k dataset's bbox to coco format

Primary LanguagePython

1  use the offical code to export object detection in concise format by:
python3 label2det.py bdd100k/labels/bdd100k_labels_images_train.json \
 2 use python2 convert_to_coco_format.py as follows
 usage: convert_to_coco_format.py [-h] [--src SRC_PATH] [--dst DST_PATH]
                                 [--dir IM_DIR]

convert the file to coco format

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --src SRC_PATH  /path/to/source
  --dst DST_PATH  /path/to/save.json
  --dir IM_DIR    /path/to/image/