To build the site without running server, use build and watch
bundle exec jekyll build --watch
Or, run Jekyll with bundle exec
, like so:
bundle exec jekyll serve
You can also use docker to bring up the site in development:
docker-compose --file docker-compose.yml build
docker-compose --file docker-compose.yml --file docker-compose.override.yml up
To update gem versions, change it in Gemfile, save the
file and run bundle install
or bundle update
To update local Gemfile and then Gemfile.lock with docker:
- first, delete local Gemfile.lock file
- then, build the image, if Gemfile.lock is missing, a new one will be generated.
- finally, copy the Gemfile.lock from image to local
id=$(docker create bowenwengithubio_web)
docker cp $id:/home/app/web/Gemfile.lock - > ./Gemfile.lock
- view the file within the container
docker start $id
docker exec -it $id /bin/sh
cat Gemfile.lock
docker stop $id
- clean up container
docker rm -v $id