
A Chrome extension for a slew of handy tricks I use in the browser 🐧

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Browser Utils 🐧

A Chrome extension for a slew of handy tricks I use in the browser

Sometimes, you just want to tweak the browser a bit, you know what I'm saying?

So that's what this extension is -- just a place where I can go to make tweaks to web pages that help me use them / the browser better.

These tweaks include:

  • Adding a custom console logger function that I can use when debugging, where the logs stand out visually (e.g. by using emoji identifiers and coloring the logs themselves)
  • Adding custom styles to an unfocused web page. This is really handy for me, as I need to know if the document has focus, so that I can use Vimium. (And when it doesn't have focus, I use this little trick to get it back)


  • Right now, this repo and extension are quite "hodge-podgey". If it makes sense at a certain point, I might decide to separate functionality into separate extensions. At that point, maybe I'll publish them to see if they're useful to anyone else.