
Hugo module to render mermaid diagrams in code blocks

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Render Mermaid diagrams in Markdown content.

Mermaid is a open source Javascript library by Knut Sveidqvist and many contributors. This module retrieves the library on demand from the CDN jsdelivr.com.


The module provides a code block render hook for the identifier mermaid. We can copy our Mermaid code into this Markdown block:

flowchart TB
A[Fenced code] -->|render-hook| B[Tagged code]
B -->|Mermaid| C(Diagram)


We can initialize the Mermaid module globally in the file data/hugoModMermaid.json with all available configuration parameters.

If we want to change the configuration for a specific diagram we need to use the preamble with the same JSON syntax enclosed in %%.


For examples run hugo server in the folder exampleSite.