A Ragtime plugin for Elasticsearch migrations.
:profiles {:ragtime-elasticsearch
{:dependencies [[ragtime.elasticsearch "0.1.0"]]
:plugins [[ragtime/ragtime.lein "0.3.7"]]
:ragtime {:migrations elasticsearch-migrations/migrations}
:source-paths ["migrations"]}}
(ns elasticsearch-migrations
(:require [clj-http.client :as http]))
(def index "my_index")
(def index-url (memoize #(format "%s/%s" (:url %) index)))
(def create-index
{:id "0001-create-index"
:up (fn [es] (http/post (index-url es)))
:down (fn [es] (http/delete (index-url es)))})
(defn migrations
"Return a list of migrations to apply."
(list create-index))
lein with-profile ragtime-elasticsearch ragtime migrate -d "http://localhost:9200" -r "ragtime.elasticsearch"
is your Elasticsearch URL.-r
should be the valueragtime.elasticsearch
so Ragtime uses this library's namespace.
Usage of this plugin creates a ragtime
index in your Elasticsearch cluster, with a migrations
mapping. The id
and created_at
of applied migrations are stored in each document.
Copyright © 2014 Brian Bowman, Zeeshan Lakhani, SFX Entertainment
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.