Wordpress PV with microk8s

Using this tutorial as a basis for a starter microk8s wordpress setup:


We want to achieve the functionality we see here:


Installation notes as we go along

We can also update to the latest wordpress:


Using version 5.7.1 and mysql 5.7


Enable storage for our PVs

$ microk8s enable storage

Enable DNS

$ microk8s enable dns

Is this required for service discovery? Need to retest.

Get the kubernetes dashboard:

$ microk8s enable dashboard


Get the token:

$ token=$(microk8s kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep default-token | cut -d " " -f1) $ microk8s kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $token

Enable ingress and load balancer


$ microk8s enable ingress metallb

Set up the port forwarding to access it:

$ microk8s kubectl port-forward -n kube-system service/kubernetes-dashboard 10443:443

Then you can go here to access the dashboard and check the status of your microk8s setup:

Don't forget you need a token to login. You can get that from here:

Deploying the solution

$ microk8s kubectl apply -k .

Checking everything is looking good

$ microsk8s kubectl get pods

Get the port forwarding working out of the wordpress service to the localhost:

$ microk8s kubectl port-forward service/wordpress 1080:80

Then you can go to here to test:

Next steps

Looking at kustomize in more detail particularly when it comes to kustomize:



Get the pods: $ microk8s get pods

If the pod won't start (CreateContainerConfigError) then try to describe the pod:

$ microk8s kubectl describe pod wordpress

If the pod will start and you want to see the logs:

$ microk8s kubectl log wordpress-pod-details

Run something on the pod i.e.

$ microk8s kubectl exec -it wordpress-mysql-6c9dfc6b66-q2znm

Getting to the mysql database to check it exists

Port forward mysql from the kubernetes services to your localhost:

$ microk8s kubectl port-forward service/wordpress-mysql 3306:3306

connect with mysql:

$ mysql -u root -h -p

Using the jumpod to check service status


$ microk8s kubectl exec -it jumpod ping

Get FQDN using nslookup (how does this interact with Kube DNS?):

$ microk8s kubectl exec -it jumpod nslookup

Using busybox

$ microsk8s kubectl run -it --rm --restart=Never busybox --image=gcr.io/google-containers/busybox sh

Debug directly on the pod

$ microk8s kubectl exec -it wordpress-544bc8f8d4-lmrfm bash

Ingress, LoadBalancer and Port Forwarding

Note that LoadBalancer doesn't work on mac microk8s so use port forwarding.

SSL Certs

Enable helm3 and install as follows:


Useful links:
