YMU ExtJS Widgets


  • ExtJS Widgets used on YMU project showcase.
  • Widgets can be used individually and independently in any client-side development.


  • Install Dependencies npm install

  • To develop using coffee scripts (coffee --compile --watch .&); nodemon app.js OR (jitter . . &); nodemon app.js * For more Coffeescript information: http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/

  • Compile Stylesheets cd public/resources/sass/ ; compass compile

  • To simply start: node app.js


  • Default Port: 3000
  • You may override with with env["PORT"] variable


  • config:
    • Routing information for Views
    • Other configuration type files can go here
  • views:
    • Application views, this are written in Jade-Lang, an html templating language
  • public:
    • These are external-internet facing files, place client-code here.
    • ExtJS client code lives in the Javascripts directory and is arranged by package name
  • app.coffee/app.js:
    • Root application and configuration

Model, View, Controller, (Store) [MVC] Architecture:

  • public/javascripts/Model/:
  • public/javascripts/View/:
  • public/javascripts/Controller/:
  • public/javascripts/Store/:
  • public/apps.js:

Client Side:

- javascripts/
      - Containers: Container Types 
            + (HContainer): Extendable Resizable Horizontal Panel
      - DataTabs: Data-Driven Tabs 
            + (YoutubeStore): Storage and Model for Youtube Feed
            + (YoutubeVideoTabs): TabPanels using YoutubeStore
      - Players: Video Players
            + (YoutubePlayer): Panel Component that plays videos from Youtube

* Each widget/component resides in it's own Package namespace recognizable by the directory
  name or Ext.define command.
* Most components extend Ext.panel or other standard Ext Components to accomplish a 
  working widget.
* Components/Widgets are extensible even further by defining your own class or during 
  creation time onReady.

Creating Components Example:

  • Get Youtube Feed

    store = Ext.create 'DataTabs.YoutubeStore' store.load

  • Create a Youtube Video Player

    player = Ext.create 'Players.YoutubePlayer'

  • Create a HContainer

    containers = Ext.create 'Containers.HContainer', { items: [ player, ], renderTo: 'video-container' }

Including Required Classes:

Ext.require 'Players.YoutubePlayer' Ext.require 'Containers.HContainer'

Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled : true paths: Players: 'javascripts/Players' Containers: 'javascripts/Containers' })

Deploy to Heroku

git remote add heroku git@heroku.com:deep-summer-8725.git
git push heroku master