Voobly aoe scraper

This is a simple scraper for pulling in match data from Voobly.


This repo also contains data obtained from running this scraper. Releases of data will be versioned to some extent. At the current time the following datasets are available.

Version File Content Ladders Size (zipped/unzipped)
20180504 matchDump.zip 648641 matches RM 1v1, RM Team 57MB / 404MB
20180507 matchDumpDMOnly.zip 27290 matches DM 1v1, DM Team 3MB / 48MB
20181027 matchDump.csv.zip 512486 matches RM 1v1, RM Team, DM 1v1, DM Team 78MB / 402MB
20190208 matchDump.csv.zip 345891 matches RM 1v1, RM Team, DM 1v1, DM Team 49MB / 261MB

Data structure

For the sake of simplicity the data are provided in csv format, with one row per player per match, and the following columns. For some matches Voobly does not have the data for one or more players, and in these cases all of the MatchPlayer values are filled in with "VooblyErrorPlayerNotFound".


The id of the match on Voobly


The url of the match on Voobly


When the match was played


How long the match was, in seconds


Which ladder the match was played on


Which map the match was played on


Any match mods used, separated by commas


The id of the player on Voobly


The (most recently scraped) name of the player - may not be the same as the player name on the match url


Which team the player was on


The civ id of the match - a full list is available below


The civ name


Whether or not this player was a match winner (coded as 1 = Winner, 0 = Not winner)


The rating of the player on the relevant ladder before the match


The rating of the player on the relevant ladder after the match


URL to recording for this match. Voobly does not keep recordings for long, so these will only work for a few months after the match has been played.

Civ ids

These are the same as the ids Voobly uses to display civ images. Voobly has some errors here, and uses civ ids for which it doesn't have a picture or any information. This seems to be due to a use of incompatible mods (WK with UP 1.4 for example). These civs are labelled as "VooblyCivError".

Id Name
1 Britons
2 Franks
3 Goths
4 Teutons
5 Japanese
6 Chinese
7 Byzantines
8 Persians
9 Saracens
10 Turks
11 Vikings
12 Mongols
13 Celts
14 Spanish
15 Aztecs
16 Mayans
17 Huns
18 Koreans
19 Italians
20 Indians
21 Incas
22 Magyars
23 Slavs
24 Portuguese
25 Ethiopian
26 Malian
27 Berbers
28 Khmer
29 Malay
30 Burmese
31 Vietnamese
32 VooblyCivError
33 VooblyCivError
34 VooblyCivError
36 VooblyCivError
35 VooblyCivError
37 VooblyCivError
38 VooblyCivError
39 VooblyCivError
40 VooblyCivError
41 VooblyCivError
46 VooblyCivError
47 VooblyCivError


Install stack
Install tidy (sudo apt-get install tidy)


The scraper can take a long time to run the first time (multiple days). After the first run, subsequent runs should be a lot faster (a few hours) because it will have cached a lot of the data required.