
Software and Hardware Characterization of Streaming Graph Analytics Workloads

Primary LanguageC++

This repository contains code, scripts, and user instructions related to the following ISPASS 2020 paper:

A. Basak, J. Lin, R. Lorica, X. Xie, Z. Chishti, A. Alameldeen, and Y. Xie, SAGA-Bench: Software and Hardware Characterization of Streaming Graph Analytics Workloads

SAGA-Bench is a C++ benchmark for StreAming Graph Analytics containing a collection of data structures and compute models on the same platform for a fair and systematic study. SAGA-Bench simultaneously provides 1) a common platform for performance analysis studies of software techniques and 2) a benchmark for architecture studies. SAGA-Bench implements runtime profiling, as well as hardware analysis via Intel Processor Counter Monitor (PCM).

Components of SAGA-Bench

Please refer to the paper for a detailed description of each component.

  1. Data Structures:
    • Adjacency List (shared style multithreading)
    • Adjacency List (chunked style multithreading)
    • Stinger
    • Degree-Aware Hashing
  2. Compute Models:
    • Recomputation from scratch
    • Incremental
  3. Algorithms (each algorithm has been implemented in both the aforementioned compute models):
    • Breadth-First Search (BFS)
    • Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP)
    • PageRank (PR)
    • Connected Components (CC)
    • Single-Source Widest Paths (SSWP)
    • Max Computation (MC)

Overview of the Directory Structure

  1. src/dynamic: Core implementations of the benchmark. They include the following:
    • frontEnd.cc is the main/top file which reads command-line parameters, reads edge batches from the input file, initiates the data structure, and launches the scheduler thread.
    • builder.cc contains the function dequeAndInsertEdge() which is executed by the scheduler thread. This function updates the data structure and performs an algorithm on it.
    • Data structures: abstract_data_struc.h is the top-level abstract class for a data structure. Specific implementations are contained in files adListShared.h, adListCunked.h, stinger.h/stinger.cc, and darhh.h. Each file implements the specific fashion in which the update operation needs to be performed on the given data structure.
    • Graph Traversal: traversal.h implements how each data structure needs to be traversed to get the in-neighbors and the out-neighbors. Traversal operation is achieved with two API functions: in_neigh() and out_neigh(). The specific traversal mechanism details of each data structure must be hidden under these two API functions.
    • Compute Models and Algorithms: topAlg.h is the top-level algorithm file where every algorithm is registered. The specific implementation of each algorithm is contained in a file starting with dyn_ (e.g., dyn_bfs.h). Each file implements both the compute models for a specific algorithm. For example, dyn_bfs.h contains functions dynBFSAlg() for the incremental compute model and BFSStartFromScratch() for the recomputation from scratch compute model. Most of the recomputation from scratch implementations have been borrowed from GAP Benchmark Suite with slight modifications to conform to the API of SAGA-Bench.
  2. src/common: Some utility elements borrowed from GAP Benchmark Suite.
  3. inputResource: Several resources to produce input dataset file formats (see below).
  4. pcmResource: Several resources to integrate Intel PCM with SAGA-Bench for hardware-level characterization (see below).
  5. Others: profile.sh and runme.sh are example scripts to run experiments. test.csv is an example of the input dataset format.

Input Datasets

We used .csv file format and the example of a typical dataset is provided in test.csv. Each line of the file means the following:

[source vertex ID], [destination vertex ID], [timestamp], [weight]

Graph datasets are first randomly shuffled to break any ordering in the input files. This is done to ensure the realistic scenario that streaming edges are not likely to come in any pre-defined order. The shuffled input file is then read in batches of 500K edges in our evaluation setup. Please refer to the paper to check which datasets we used for our evaluation. The resources for preparing the input datasets are provided in the folder inputResource. inputResource/shuffle.sh can be used to shuffle a dataset file in .txt format (e.g., those found in SNAP). After shuffling, timestamps and weights can be added using inputResource/addWeightAndTime.sh and inputResource/appendValues.py, which will result in the final .csv format.

Note: To use other file formats, please change the file src/dynamic/fileReader.h to modify how SAGA-Bench should read the input file (i.e., change the function convertCSVLineIntoEdge()).

Compiling and Running SAGA-Bench

Basic Instructions for Running the Software

Note: These basic instructions are for running SAGA-Bench software only and are NOT sufficient for integrating PCM for hardware characterization. For instructions to integrate PCM, please see below.

SAGA-Bench is implemented in C++11 and the build system uses GNU Make. It uses both OPENMP and std::thread to launch software threads. It has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and CentOS. The experiments for our paper have been run on Intel Xeon Gold 6142 (Skylake) server (please refer to Section IV.A of the paper for more details).

  1. git clone https://github.com/abasak24/SAGA-Bench.git
  2. cd SAGA-Bench
  3. mkdir bin obj
  4. make

An executable frontEnd will be created. frontEnd should be run with the following parameters. ./frontEnd --help also provides this information.

-f : provides a location to an input graph file in .csv format
-b : batch size (500K is used in our paper evaluation)
-d : whether the input graph is directed or undirected. 0=undirected; 1=directed.
-w : whether weights should be read from the input file. 0=don't read weights; 1=read weights. Weights are required only for SSSP and SSWP. 
-s : data structure to be used (see DATA STRUCTURE OPTIONS below). 
-a : algorithm to be run (see ALGORITHM OPTIONS below). 
-n : max number of nodes the data structure must be initialized with. 
-t : number of data structure chunks for chunked-style adjacency list or degree-aware hashing. Each chunk corresponds to one thread. This parameter has no meaning for shared-style adjacency list and stinger (the value is not read for these two data structures).

DATA STRUCTURE OPTIONS: 1) adListShared 2) adListChunked 3) degAwareRHH 4) stinger
ALGORITHM OPTIONS: 1) prfromscratch 2) prdyn 3) ccfromscratch 4) ccdyn 5) mcfromscratch 6) mcdyn 7) bfsfromscratch 8) bfsyn 9) ssspfromscratch 10) ssspdyn 11) sswpfromscratch 12) sswpdyn

runme.sh provides example command lines for running experiments. Each run generates two csv files: Alg.csv and Update.csv. These files contain per-batch compute and update times, respectively, in seconds. Below is a reference standard output of running the provided mock dataset test.csv on incremental Pagerank algorithm and stinger data structure (see the command line in runme.sh):

Algorithm: prdyn
Data type: stinger
Updated Batch: 0
Running dynamic PR
Updated Batch: 1
Running dynamic PR
Updated Batch: 2
Running dynamic PR
  Actual numNodes: 37 numNodes initialized with: 40 numEdges: 60 weighted: 1 directed: 1

Reproducing Software-Level Characterization Results in the SAGA-Bench Paper

Please refer to Section IV.B of the paper for a detailed description of our methodology. We turned off the Turbo Boost feature. profile.sh is the script we used for producing all the software-level characterization results in the paper. The script uses OMP_PROC_BIND and OMP_PLACES for pinning OPENMP-generated software threads to hardware threads. To bind std::thread-generated software threads to hardware threads, we use pthread_setaffinity_np (please see src/dynamic/frontEnd.cc, src/dynamic/adListChunked.h, and src/dynamic/darhh.h).

Reproducing Hardware-Level Characterization Results in the SAGA-Bench Paper

We used Intel Processor Counter Monitor (PCM) for memory bandwidth, QPI bandwidth, and cache hit ratio/MPKI measurements. Please download, install, and compile PCM from here: https://github.com/opcm/pcm. Several resources for integrating PCM into SAGA-Bench have been provided in the folder pcmResource. First, it is necessary to change the Makefile of SAGA-Bench to link with PCM. We have provided an example Makefile in pcmResource/Makefile_example. Please change PCM_DIR in the example Makefile to the directory where you have installed your PCM. pcmResource/pcmBasic.h contains code to measure L2/L3 MPKI, hit ratios, and QPI link utilizations. Please check the comments in pcmResource/pcmBasic.h to understand the output format/order. pcmResource/pcmMemory.h contains code to measure memory bandwidth. Please check the comments and the functions display_bandwidth_alg() and display_bandwidth_update() in pcmResource/pcmMemory.h to understand the output format/order.

Please read pcmResource/PCM.txt to understand how to include pcmResource/pcmBasic.h or pcmResource/pcmMemory.h into SAGA-Bench's update or compute phases to measure the hardware counters. pcmResource/PCM.txt also provides the intiliatization and finalization code that must be included before and after the test code. Execution with PCM will produce .csv files for the update and compute phases with the corresponding hardware-level measurements.

For example, to measure the memory bandwidth utilization details of the update phase, please do the following:

  • include pcmResource/pcmMemory.h in src/dynamic/builder.cc
  • include the memory-measurement related initialization and finalization code provided in pcmResource/PCM.txt before and after ds->update(el) in src/dynamic/builder.cc (just where the timers are currently started and stopped). In the intitialization code, please assign true to the boolean variable update.

Similarly, to measure the memory bandwidth utilization details of the compute phase (when let's say running incremental pagerank), please do the following:

  • include pcmResource/pcmMemory.h in src/dynamic/dyn_pr.h
  • include the memory-measurement related initialization and finalization code provided in pcmResource/PCM.txt in the function dynPRAlg() before and after the algorithm implementation (just where the timers are currently started and stopped). In the intitialization code, please assign false to the boolean variable update.

Including Other Software Techniques in SAGA-Bench

These are some guidelines to include one's own data structure or compute model in SAGA-Bench.

  1. Including a new data structure: Any new data structure must be inherited from the class dataStruc in src/dynamic/abstract_data_struc.h. The most important function to implement for a new data structure is update() which defines the mechanism to update a batch of edges into the data structure. Next, it is essential to implement the traversal mechanism of the data structure in the file src/dynamic/traversal.h.
  2. Including a new compute model: It is possible to introduce a new compute model for any algorithm (let's say BFS) by writing a new function in the algorithm's file (src/dynamic/dyn_bfs.h for BFS). For example, src/dynamic/dyn_bfs.h currently contains functions dynBFSAlg() and BFSStartFromScratch() for incremental and non-incremental compute models. Next, the new function much be registered in the class Algorithm in src/dynamic/topAlg.h.


In case of issues, please contact Abanti at abasak@ucsb.edu. You could also raise an issue in Github so that the response can help other users.