PhantomJS Puppet Module for Boxen

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Install PhantomJS a headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API. This module uses Phantomenv to manage versions.


# Installs Phantomenv for PhantomJS version management
include phantomjs

# Install PhantomJS version 1.9.0
phantomjs::version { '1.9.0': }

# Sets local version of PhantomJS, writes .phantomenv file to directory specified (version should be installed already)
phantomjs::local { '/path/to/whatever':
  version => '1.9.0'

# Set the global version of PhantomJS (version should be installed already)
phantomjs::global { '1.9.0': }

Required Puppet Modules

  • boxen
  • homebrew (only on OS X)
  • repository
  • stdlib

Then write some code. Run script/cibuild to test it. Check the script directory for other useful tools.