
Installs Ruby versions with Boxen

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Ruby Puppet Module for Boxen

Build Status

Requires the following boxen modules:

  • boxen >= 3.2.0
  • repository >= 2.1
  • autoconf (some ruby versions)
  • openssl (ruby versions >= 2.0.0)
  • gcc (ruby versions <= 1.8.7)
  • ripienaar/puppet-module-data


This module supports ruby version management with either rbenv or chruby. All ruby versions are installed into /opt/rubies.

About ruby-build version

Occasional bumps to the default ruby-build version are fine, on this module, but not essential. The ruby-build version is something you should be managing in your own boxen repository, rather than depending on this module to update for you. See examples on how to change the ruby-build version in the Hiera section.

You can find a release list of versions for ruby-build here.

Breakages since last major version

  • ruby::global does not work with chruby
  • bundler is no longer installed by default
  • rubies now live in /opt/rubies instead of /opt/boxen/rbenv/versions
  • the module-data module is now required


# Set the global default ruby (auto-installs it if it can)
class { 'ruby::global':
  version => '2.4.0'

# ensure a certain ruby version is used in a dir
ruby::local { '/path/to/some/project':
  version => '2.4.0'

# ensure a gem is installed for a certain ruby version
# note, you can't have duplicate resource names so you have to name like so
$version = "2.4.0"
ruby_gem { "bundler for ${version}":
  gem          => 'bundler',
  version      => '~> 1.2.0',
  ruby_version => $version,

# ensure a gem is installed for all ruby versions
ruby_gem { 'bundler for all rubies':
  gem          => 'bundler',
  version      => '~> 1.0',
  ruby_version => '*',

# install a ruby version
ruby::version { '2.4.0': }

# Installing rbenv plugin
ruby::rbenv::plugin { 'rbenv-vars':
  ensure => 'v1.2.0',
  source  => 'sstephenson/rbenv-vars'

# Run an installed gem
exec { '/opt/rubies/2.4.0/bin/bundle install':
  cwd     => "~/src/project",
  require => Ruby_Gem['bundler for 2.4.0']

Hiera configuration

The following variables may be automatically overridden with Hiera:


"ruby::provider": "chruby"
"ruby::user": "deploy"

"ruby::build::ensure": "v20161225"
"ruby::chruby::ensure": "v0.3.9"
"ruby::rbenv::ensure": "v1.1.0"

# rbenv plugins
    "ensure": "v1.0.0"
    "source": "sstephenson/rbenv-gem-rehash"

# Environment variables for building specific versions
# You'll want to enable hiera's "deeper" merge strategy
# See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/hiera/1/configuring.html#mergebehavior
    "CC": "llvm"
    "CFLAGS": "-O9 -funroll-loops"
    "CC": "gcc"

# Version aliases, commonly used to bless a specific version
# Use the "deeper" merge strategy, as with ruby::version::env
  "1.9.3": "1.9.3-p484"
  "2.0.0": "2.0.0-github"
  "2.0.0-github": "2.0.0-github6"

It is required that you include ripienaar/puppet-module-data in your boxen project, as this module now ships with many pre-defined versions and aliases in the data/ directory. With this module included, those definitions will be automatically loaded, but can be overridden easily in your own hierarchy.

You can also use JSON if your Hiera is configured for that.