
Allows to store named urls in one place and get it everywhere you want. Just like in Django.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Allows to store urls in one place and get it everywhere you want. Just like in Django.

How to use


yarn add js-reverse

Define urls in one place

//urls.js file

const urls = {
    'allImages': '/images/all/',
    'catImage': '/images/<animal>/<id>/',

module.exports = urls;

Use it everywhere you want

import Library from 'js-reverse/js-reverse/reverse-library';
import urls from 'urls';

const library = new Library('big-cat-database.com');

Without params in urls

// big-cat-database.com/images/all/

With params in <> brackets

library.get('catImage', {animal: 'cat', id: 9000});
// big-cat-database.com/images/cat/9000/

With query string

library.get('catImage', {animal: 'cat', id: 9000}, {paginateBy: 20, order: 'from_cute_to_ugly'});
// http://big-cat-database.com/images/cat/9000/?paginateBy=20&order=from_cute_to_ugly