
Library for selectively running tests by tags

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Gotag is a testing utility tool that makes it easy for you to selectively skip/run tests in Go. If you ever needed to mark a suite of integration tests to be skipped, then Gotag is the tool for the job.


Selectively running tests
Loading from a config file


Simply run

go get github.com/boxtown/gotag

to install Gotag.

To use Gotag, configure the test context in either init or TestMain and then wrap your tests inside
Test or Benchmark like so:

import (

func TestMain(m *testing.Main) {

// This test will not run
func TestSomethingIntegrated(t *testing.T) {
  gotag.Test(gotag.Integration, t, func(t gotag.T) {

// This test will
func TestSomethingElse(t *testing.T) {
  gotag.Test("something else", t, func(t gotag.T) {
    fmt.Println("I'm running inside the Gotag context!")

// This test will also run
func TestSomethingBasic(t *testing.T) {
  fmt.Println("Gotag has no knowledge of me!")

Selectively running tests

You can also choose to run only certain tags. Note that by calling RunOnly skip is ignored

import (

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
  gotag.RunOnly("tagA", "tagB")

// Does not get run because tag is not marked by RunOnly
func TestSomethingIntegrated(t *testing.T) {
  gotag.Test(gotag.Integrated, t, func(t gotag.T) {

// This will run
func TestTagA(t *testing.T) {
  gotag.Test("tagA", t, func(t gotag.T) {
    fmt.Println("I'm tagA!")

// This will also run
func BenchmarkTagB(b *testing.B) {
  gotag.Benchmark("tagB", b, func(b gotag.B) {
    fmt.Println("I'm tagB!")


Tags are just simple strings. By default, Gotag does a strict match when checking for skip/run tags. Gotag can be configured however, to do a fuzzy matching on tags

import (

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {

// Skipped
func TestTagA(t *testing.T) {
  gotag.Test("tagA", t, func(t gotag.T) {

// Also skipped because of fuzzy matching
func TestTaga(t *testing.T) {
  gotag.Test("taga", t, func(t gotag.T) {

In the above example, the second test runs because it is within an edit distance of 2 (the default) of the registered tag. The edit distance can be configured as well


Loading from a config file

Gotag contexts can loaded from JSON or YAML config files through the Load or LoadFrom functions. Load will look for a .gotag.json or gotag.yml file in the current working directory while LoadFrom will look inside a given directory path. If both files exist, .gotag.json takes precedence over gotag.yml.

import "github.com/boxtown/gotag"

func main() {
  context, _ := gotag.Load()
  context, _ = gotag.LoadFrom("~/config/")

Configuration options:

  • skip: array of string tags to be skipped
  • run: array of string tags to be run, causes skip to be ignored
  • fuzzy: boolean, sets fuzzy matching
  • distance: int, sets fuzzy matching edit distance

Example JSON config:

  "skip": ["integration", "end-to-end"],
  "fuzzy": true,
  "distance": 3

Example YAML config:

run: ["integration"],
fuzzy: "false


  • Hooks for Before/After test logic
  • Implement methods for load from config for default context
  • Ability to wrap TestMain in a gotag