
JavaScript tutorial tool based on CodeMirror. Y'know, for kids!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JavaScript tutorial tool based on CodeMirror. Y'know, for kids!


This app is a 100% JavaScript/HTML5 app that illustrates simple coding concepts like functions, variables and loops by guiding the user through drawing a simple scene in code.

It starts off with the user calling pre-made functions and gradually eases them into uses Canvas directly.

It isn't a full-on tutorial, it's designed to give people a taster of coding.

More advanced users might be able to figure out how it's all done, and might even unlock the secret code!


See the Github Page for a full demo!


It's simply HTML. Put it anywhere on a web server and it should all just work when you browse to it.


At the time of writing, the modules are all built-in. We are considering making the exercises modular.


See the literate documentation generated by Docco for a full walkthrough of the source code showing you just how everything works!

Updating documentation

With Docco installed:

docco js/**/*js

Libraries used

Browser support

Tested primarily in Chrome and IE9 and IE10.

Will not work in IE8 or below as it uses Canvas.