Use datomic with less cognitive overhead. Should work with datomic >= 0.8.3524.
Defining a model and starting datomic should be easy:
(ns models.user)
(require '[datomic-simple.core :as ds])
; Define a model's database key once and don't think of it again while
; interacting with your model
(def model-namespace :user)
; Build schemas easily without needing to think of partitions and a number of
; internal schema attributes. Basically you don't have to pour over
(def schema (ds/build-schema model-namespace
[[:username :string]
[:password :string]]))
; Start datomic and initialize schemas without needing to think of
; database values and connections or adding middleware (if using noir)
(ns server)
(require '[datomic-simple.core :as ds])
(ds/start {:uri "datomic:mem://my-app"
:schemas [models.user/schema]})
; Starting in a repl is just as easy, a uri will be auto-generated
(ns user)
(require '[datomic-simple.core :as ds])
(ds/start {:repl true
:schemas [models.user/schema]})
Creation, updating, deleting and querying should be easy for models:
(ns models.user)
; creates several helper functions that scope your database interaction to the model.
(ds/create-model-fns model-namespace)
(create {:username "dodo" :password "bird"})
; => {:username "dodo" :password "bird" :id 1024053}
(find-all {:username "dodo"})
; => ({:username "dodo" :password "bird" :id 1024053})
(find-first {:password "bird"})
; => {:username "dodo" :password "bird" :id 1024053}
(update 1024053 {:username "big"})
(ds/delete 1024053)
- Tests!
- @relevance for fridays!
- @bobby for much of the initial abstraction -