
Project requirements

This project is to allow my Notion German bank to be my "source of truth" for my Anki dictionary. It has the following aims:

  • Easily extract Notion table to create Anki notes / cards, with specific tags for my ease-of-use.
  • Retain the Anki stats if I make any updates.
  • Generate grammar cards that can easily be imported

How to run

  1. Install python requirements with pipenv install
  2. Run python -m sean_learns_german.cli generate-decks --token xyz to generate a deck called output.apkg
  3. Import output.apkg into Anki on computer
  4. Sync Anki to main database


  • Deal with German synonyms (each card must be a one-to-N answer). I would need to collect all the entries and make synonyms.
  • Add sentences to deck, if they exist.
  • Add part of speech demarcation to cards.
  • Add conjugation for verbs.
  • Add normative and accusative case example sentences.