NOTE: The project is currently still in development. Beware - Things will break.
Kvantum is a OSS project maintained by Alexander Söderberg. Kvantum is a web server and web framework written in Java. For support, submit a new issue or email
You can see the current progress here along with W.I.P and TODO's.
Kvantum is a lightweight, portable and (if you so desire) embeddable (HTTP/HTTPS) web server, written entirely in java. It is meant to be easy to use, yet offer a wide variety of tools and utilities to simplify the development of your website. It comes shipped with tools such as account management, database connectors and template engine support. All to remove the need for repeated boilerplate.
Kvantum can be used both as a standalone web server for static content, natively serving:
- JavaScript
- (Downloading of...) PDF, TXT & ZIP
- Images (PNG, ICO, SVG)
- Webjars resources as static files
- ... and the system can also be extended programmatically, both by extending the application itself, by scripts and by plugins.
and as a web framework with a powerful API. Everything served by Kvantum, regardless if it's dynamic or static, can be managed by templates. Kvantum supports Crush, JTwig and Apache Velocity out of the box!
Code examples can be found at this link. There are also some sample projects (may not be up to date): Forum, KvantumBlog, Foton and KvantumBukkit.
Kvantum only requires Java 8 (or later versions) to be installed on your system.
Note: These are the instructions to run Kvantum as a standalone web server. If you instead want to use the framework, please refer to the wiki
The easiest way to run Kvantum as a standalone web server is to use a pre-compiled Implementation jar file. These can be found in releases. Simply download the jar file into a directory, and then run it using:
java -jar /path/to/Implementation-all.jar
However, if you'd rather call the main method directly, then it is located in KvantumMain
More information can be found in our wiki
If you are planning to commit any changes to the project, it would be highly appreciated if you were to follow the project code style conventions. To make this easier we have provided settings that can be imported into your IDE.
Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter
Press Import
and select ...path/to/project/code_style.xml
File > Settings > Editor > Code Style
. Next to "Scheme" there is a cog wheel, press that and then
Import Scheme > Eclipse XML Profile
and then select ..path/to/project/code_style.xml
On *nix:
$ git clone git://
$ cd Kvantum
$ chmod a+x ./gradlew
$ ./gradlew :build
$ git clone git://
$ cd Kvantum
$ ./gradlew.bat :build