
J2V8 Helper

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


As its name, this is a J2V8 helper library. It fixes 2 problems:

  • Changing value in js layer, no notify event will send to java layer.

  • Registering a lot of java fields and methods cost too much time and codes.


Step 1. In your root build.gradle, add the JitPack repository.

allprojects {
	repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.boybeak:J2V8Helper:Tag'


Step 1. Create V8

Create an v8 object as usual, and then, help it.

val v8 = V8.createV8Runtime()

After this, the J2V8Helper is helping this v8 runtime.

Step2. Register fields and methods


class Native(val v8: V8) {
    val name = "Native for JS"
    fun getPerson(): V8Object {
        val person = Person()
        return v8.createProxy(person)

Mark the fields and methods with @V8Field and @V8Method. Then, register them.

val native = Native(v8)
val nativeV8 = V8Object(v8);
J2V8Helper.registerV8Fields(nativeV8, native)
J2V8Helper.registerV8Methods(nativeV8, native)
v8.add("Native", nativeV8)

Alternatively, if you are using Kotlin, you can use an extension method instead of registerV8Fields and registerV8Methods.


Step 3. Make a proxy if you need.

Let's look back to the code snippet Native.kt. It has a method named getPerson, in this method, return a V8Object that create by createProxy.

Now look deep into the Persion.kt.

class Person : V8Updatable {
    @V8Field(alias = "age", updatable = true)
    var age: Int = 0
        set(value) {
            field = value
            Log.d(TAG, "setAge to $value thread=${Thread.currentThread().name}")

    override fun getKeys(): Array<String> {
        return arrayOf("phone")

    override fun onV8Update(v8obj: V8Object, key: String, newValue: Any?, oldValue: Any?) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onV8Update(key=$key, value=$newValue)")

The field age is marked by @V8Field, and has 2 options: alias and updatable.

  • alias: The field's name in JS layer;

  • update: Notify the field change when the value changed in JS layer.

Execute JS code with the v8 runtime.

const person = Native.getPerson();
person.age = 15

person.name = "John"
person.phone = "123456"

When the person.age value changed, in java layer, the setAge method will be called.

The next line is person.name= "john", and the Person has no field called name, so how to observe this value change?

The answer is using V8Updatable.

The Person class also implements V8Updatable interface.

V8Updatable has 3 key methods: onV8UpdategetKeys and getUpdateStrategy.

  • onV8Update: Will be called when the value changed;

  • getKeys: The value change event will be cared or be ignored, it depends on the getUpdateStrategy return value, default value is empty array.

  • getUpdateStrategy: Has 2 enum value—— CARE and IGNORE, CARE means care about getKeys value changed, IGNORE means ingore getKeys value changed, default value is IGNORE.

So, after run the js code. age's set method will be called, and onV8Update method will be called after person.name = "John", and person.phone = "123456" will not cause onV8Update be called, because the "phone" field is in the ignore list.