
A quick starter package for android developer.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



There are 4 libraries in this project: Starter, Drag-Exit, Permission, Picker, SAFR

Starter Starter

This is a quick start package, including BaseActivity, BaseFragment and utils classes;

implementation 'com.github.boybeak:starter:x.y.z'

Starter structure

package class description
activity BaseActivity,BaseDragExitActivity,DataBindingActivity,DataBindingToolbarActivity,DragExitToolbarActivity, SrlRvActivity, ToolbarActivity,ToolbarViewPagerActivity Some basic activities
adapter DataBindingAdapter,FooterAdapter,BaseLayoutImpl,AbsDataBindingHolder, DataChange Only some main class a presented
broadcast AbsReceiver, BroadcastUtils Add isRegistered state in AbsReceiver.Use this with BroadcastUtils
fragment BaseFragment, BaseDialogFragment, BaseBottomDialogFragment, RefreshListFragment, PaginationFragment
mvc It's not too useful
retrofit SimpleCallback, SimpleListCallback, SafeCallback, SafeListCallback Some quick retrofit callback
utils AssetUtil, Connectivity, FileUtil, ImeUtil Some useful utils
widget BottomHideBehavior, Chip, EmptyView, OnScrollBottomListener, PagerStateAdapter, ProgressBar, RatioCardView, RatioImageView,RatioViewPager, SearchBar, SimpleViewPagerFragmentAdapter
Others CrashHandler, GetNothingImpl, ILife, Intents, Memory, Router, SafeHandler

See full wiki document

Drag-Exit Download

implementation 'com.github.boybeak:drag-exit:x.y.z'

demo gif

There's only one FrameLayout's sub class DragExitLayout. Use the layout like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<com.github.boybeak.de.DragExitLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
class DragExitActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private val dragListener = object : DragExitLayout.OnExitListener {
        override fun onExit() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        web_view.webViewClient = WebViewClient()
        web_view.webChromeClient = WebChromeClient()

Some attributes as below:

  • activeEdges - enum: 3 values are available, left, right and both, which edge can active the drag gesture.
  • exitLineRatio - float: Available values in range (0, 1), the exit action trigger ratio of layout width.
  • stuckEffect - boolean: Whether should the child view stuck at exitLineRation position or not.
  • lazy - float: Available values in range (0, 1). If set to 0.5, your finger move 100 pixels, the child view actually move 50 pixels.
  • alphaEffect - boolean: Whether the child view change its alpha when moving.
  • alphaMin - float: The minimum value of the child view can be. Once the child view moves to exitLineRation position, the alpha will be alphaMin.
  • scaleEffect - boolean, same as alphaEffect
  • scaleMin - float: same as alphaMin

More about exitLineRatio see the image below:

If set exitLineRation to 0.25.


Don't forget use a transparent theme to your activity if you want a drag-exit activity. Or you can use BaseDragExitActivity or DragExitToolbarActivity in the Starter library.

Permission Download

This is a permission helper. Quickly grant permissions.

implementation 'com.github.boybeak:permission:x.y.z'
	Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO).go(this, object : Callback {
            override fun onGranted(permissions: MutableList<String>) {
				//TODO do what you want

            override fun onDenied(permission: String) {
				//TODO do what you want


PH is short for Permission Helper.

Picker Picker

A helper library for getting images and videos quickly.

implementation 'com.github.boybeak:picker:x.y.z'
// Get multiple images from gallery
	.go(this@PickerActivity, object : MultipleCallback {
		override fun onGet(id: String, uris: MutableList<Uri>, files: MutableList<File>) {
		    adapter!!.addAll(files, Converter<File, FileImpl> { data, _ -> FileImpl(data) }).autoNotify()

		override fun onCancel(id: String) {


// Get one image from camera
val dir = File(externalCacheDir, "images")
if (!dir.exists()) {

val cameraTempFile = File(dir, System.currentTimeMillis().toString() + ".jpg")
val uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(this@PickerActivity, "$packageName.provider", cameraTempFile)
Picker.camera().image().output(uri, cameraTempFile)
	.go(this@PickerActivity, object : SingleCallback {
		override fun onGet(id: String, uri: Uri, file: File) {

		override fun onCancel(id: String) {



With this library, you can get images easily from gallery and camera. Support getting multiple images and videos from gallery, and getting one image or video from camera.

SAFR Download

implementation 'com.github.boybeak:safr:x.y.z'

SAFR is short for startActivityForResult.

SAFR.newInstance().extras {
            //fill data here
	.startActivityForResult(this, 100, object : Callback {
            override fun onResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {

