
💰 NPM package to get stock and historical price from finance.yahoo.com

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💰 NPM package to get stock and historical price from finance.yahoo.com

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npm i yahoo-stock-api or yarn add yahoo-stock-api if you use yarn.


Everything in this API will return Promise so remember to use await

getHistoricalPrices: async function(startDate, endDate, symbol, frequency)

  • startDate: Object (datetime)
  • endDate: Object (datetime)
  • symbol: String (stock symbol)
  • frequency: String ('1d', '1wk' or '1mo' only)
    • 1d: 1day
    • 1wk: 1 week
    • 1mo: 1 month

Return promise, example:

const yahooStockAPI  = require('yahoo-stock-api');
async function main()  {
	const startDate = new Date('08/21/2020');
	const endDate = new Date('08/26/2020');
	console.log(await yahooStockAPI.getHistoricalPrices(startDate, endDate, 'AAPL', '1d'));
  error: false,
  currency: 'USD',
  data: [
      date: 1598448600,
      open: 504.7200012207031,
      high: 507.9700012207031,
      low: 500.3299865722656,
      close: 506.0899963378906,
      volume: 40617600,
      adjclose: 506.0899963378906
      date: 1598362200,
      open: 498.7900085449219,
      high: 500.7200012207031,
      low: 492.2099914550781,
      close: 499.29998779296875,
      volume: 52873900,
      adjclose: 499.29998779296875
      date: 1598275800,
      open: 514.7899780273438,
      high: 515.1400146484375,
      low: 495.75,
      close: 503.42999267578125,
      volume: 86484400,
      adjclose: 503.42999267578125
      date: 1598016600,
      open: 477.04998779296875,
      high: 499.4700012207031,
      low: 477,
      close: 497.4800109863281,
      volume: 84513700,
      adjclose: 497.4800109863281


  • symbol: String (stock symbol)

Return promise, example:

const yahooStockAPI  = require('yahoo-stock-api');
async function main()  {
	console.log(await  yahooStockAPI.getSymbol('AAPL'));
  error: false,
  currency: 'USD',
  response: {
    updated: 1598573260808,
    previousClose: 506.09, 
    open: 508.57,
    bid: '500.53 x 900',
    ask: '500.90 x 800',
    dayRange: '495.33 - 509.94',
    fiftyTwoWeekRange: '204.22 - 515.14',
    volume: 38255269,
    avgVolume: 39094272,
    marketCap: 2138000000000,
    beta: 1.23,
    peRatio: 37.92,
    eps: 13.19,
    earningsDate: 'Oct 28, 2020 - Nov 02, 2020',
    forwardDividendYield: '3.28 (0.65%)',
    exDividendDate: 'Aug 07, 2020',
    oneYearTargetEst: 430.06


Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Duy Pham Le




Tommy Tang

💻 🐛

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


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