Sample user management api
Download and install dotnet core 3.1 LTS
Clone code and build:
git clone
cd Samples.UserManagement
dotnet publish -c Release -o publish Samples.UserManagement.Api/Samples.UserManagement.Api.csproj
- Run test suites (from textpipe folder from above)
dotnet test Samples.Tests/Samples.Tests.csproj
- Run (from Samples.UserManagement folder from above)
# Show usage:
cd publish
The api will start and by default listen for requests on localhost:8084.
Using a simple x-api-key header based auth method. Set an "x-api-key" request header value to any of the following valid keys:
2 users are created by default:
API Key = 9876
- Default user, is an admin
API Key = 1234testnonadmin567890
- Non admin user - using this key should result in forbidden results to admin endpoints (admin controller)
- HTTP PATCH /admin/{id}
- Send an AdminUserPatchReqeust object as an admin to change a user status
- HTTP PATCH /admin/{id}
- HTTP GET /services
- Get all services that exist on the api
- HTTP GET /services
- HTTP GET /users/{userid}
- Get a user and subscriptions for the user by id
- HTTP GET /users
- Get all users
- OR
- Include a query string param of "status=" to get users in a particular status (any status)
- HTTP GET /users/{userid}
HTTP POST /users
- Post a User object to create a new user
HTTP PATCH /users/{id}
- Patch a user with some/all values in a UserPatchReqeust object
HTTP DELETE /users/{id}
- Delete a user with the given id
- HTTP GET /subscriptions/users/{userid}
- Get all services a given user is subscribed to HTTP POST /subscriptions
- Post a new subscription to a service for a user with a UserSubscribeRequest object
- HTTP GET /subscriptions/users/{userid}
HTTP DELETE /subscriptions
- Unsubscribe/remove a subscription to a given service for a given user with a UserSubscribeRequest object
HTTP DELETE /subscriptions/{id}
- Delete a subscription with the given id