
Clean Code REST API in NodeJS with Nest.js and PrismaORM that simulates a banking system.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The goal of this test is to develop a REST API in NodeJS with Nest.js that simulates a banking system.

These are the endpoints that you should include:

  1. Create account;
  2. Make a deposit;
  3. Get account balance;
  4. Get account statement;
  5. Transfer amount between two accounts;
  6. Make a withdrawal;

Getting started (1 min)

Make sure to have docker installed, otherwise install it here.

  1. Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/boydwo/bank-clean-code-nestjs.git
  1. Fetch dependencies
npm install
  1. Copy the .env.example file over to your own .env file.

  2. Mount docker container and start server

docker-compose up
  1. Running migrations
npx prisma migrate dev
  1. Open the Swagger Documentation on http://localhost:3000/docs

  2. Run unit tests

npm run test:unit
  1. Run e2e tests
npm run test:e2e