
A palette generation app for designers who create design systems.

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A palette generation app for designers who create design systems.

About The Project

I wasn’t satisfied with any online palette making tools available and I wanted to automate the process of creating palettes for my own work, so I created ‘Palettizer’. I wrote a Medium article about the process so you can see how I approached the problem.

When creating custom color palettes, designers chose a set of 'base' colors that they find visually complementary and pleasant to one another. Once that is done, they will generate a set of shades and tints, which is often a manual and somewhat laborious process.

Unlike other palette generation apps, Palettizer leverages CIE Lab color space rather than RGB to generate shades and tints to create a more consistent and usable set of tonal values.

I hope you find this tool as useful for your own design projects as I do. Please reach out with any questions or follow me on Twitter or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Built With


Originally showcased on codesandbox.