Ram optimizers for all process, with 5 programming languages on Windows
EmptyWorkingSet is the best!
Q: What is loop count 32768?
A: It's max process id in Windows.
Q: Why not using EnumProcesses?
A: No ignore any processes while loop counting (else process id < current count, not else =)))
Q: When run it?
A: Anytime, if you need.
Q: What should use for...?
A: Chromium browser (eg: Chrome, Opera), .NET appliaction ..
Q: Can I run it for only my program?
A: Yes, you can delete loop and change process id to it.
Q: How it works?
A: See code.
Q: I'm not dev or coder?
A: Run executable file.
Q: I'm don't know 'how to build'.
A: RUn executable file.
Q: Great!
A: Yes!
Q: Hmmm...
A: Shut up!