
config files I want to keep / transfer between different machines

Primary LanguageShell

Config files

Basic commandline configurations files. VimRc and EmacsRc are placed in seperate repositories. Planning to transfer from bash to zsh so no profiles included.


Assumes RVM and brew is installed


Works best with iTerm2, install and download.

Grab submodules

git submodules init git submodules update

and for .emacs.d, and .vim.

Activate zsh

chsh -s which zsh /usr/bin/env zsh source ~/.zshrc

Set colorscheme iTerm2


Install MacVim

Use system ruby .. since command-t depend on using system ruby

rvm use system brew install macvim --override-system-vim --enable-clipboard

Install vimrc

git clone https://github.com/boymaas/vimfiles.git mv vimfiles .vim ln -s .vimrc .vim/vimrc

Build command-t helper

cd .vim/bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t/ ruby extconf.rb make

Zsh based

Uses oh-my-sh: https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git

Git configuration

.gitconfig and .githelpers

git ra

presents an enhanced log, uses an alias chain and .githelpers to present a useful commandline log with structure.

git aa

does a git add --all, which makes the current state of a directory represent the state to be synched. So deleted files will be removed, added files added, etc...

git dc --> diff cached
git st --> status
git ci --> commit
git co --> checkout

Install git-flow

brew install git-flow